Tuesday 2 September 2008

Online Video Resumes

Do you ever have one of those moments when you wince at the past and wonder, “What was I thinking?” Big hair and parachute pants come to mind for me because I was a child of the eighties. Trends come and go. Some stay and become part of our lifestyle and culture while others, gratefully, die a natural death never to be resurrected. Yet at their height of popularity, it’s difficult to tell which have staying power and which do not. This is why we need to pay very careful attention to the newest job search trend – the online video resume.

Sunday 31 August 2008

WorkPlace Diversity- A melting pot of talent

A global economy brings with it a diverse workforce. Workplace diversity encompasses race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality type, educational background and work experience.
Managers need to be careful and ensure that decisions and actions are not influenced by stereotypical views. “Ethnic minorities lack qualification, women with young children are less committed to work, disabled employees are more likely to be sick than others and older workers lack ambition and enthusiasm”. These could be some of the stereotypical presumptions that exist. These should be avoided.
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